20 Dec A Trip Back in Time: How People Talked About Anti Aging Treatment 20 Years Ago

Anti ageing treatments and products are ruling the cosmetics market now. So, have you ever wondered when it all started? Where it initially originated? Well, the anti ageing formula has been there since time immemorial. It dates back to as early as the 15thcentury when the Greeks applied it for beauty treatments. However, their products differed a lot from today’s products that we use.
Bathing in milk for glowing skin and using mercury for removal of wrinkles were common practices of anti-ageing treatments. With time, these practices became obsolete, and people started to use readymade products made from these raw materials. Thereafter, the cost of the product also lessened and was easily available to0, everyone.
Later, however, the prices started to rise due to the increasing demand for such products. Thereafter, the anti-ageing research leads to the invention of modern day anti ageing products. In the late 90s, the modern day products and treatments came in the market with various benefits and privileges.
Treatments available
After rigorous research on anti-aging, Botox was finally officially released in the late 90s about two decades ago. It made for most of the beauty treatments related to anti ageing. Straight from skin tightening to wrinkle lifting, every possible thing is done now in order to beautify the overall appearance.
The anti-ageing cream is the most sought-after product ever discovered anti-ageing formula and it accounts for global use by women. Alongside, many other treatments like using herbs and moisturizers were common during that time. Cleansing lotions, night repair creams, face washes also added up the list of beauty treatments.
Ayurvedic products were another milestone that added to the regime of anti-ageing. The extreme eye cream that prevented the wrinkles and the dark circles around the eyes were quite popular with the women in their mid-40s. They confessed that the eye creams were included in their daily regime of beauty treatments. Many were even obsessed with these creams.
Next, there were the facemasks, made directly from the herbs or from readymade pastes. You could make pastes with certain grocery items too, and then apply the same on your face. A few other regular users suggested the use of sunscreen lotions. They said it protects their skin from the harmful rays and as a result, it minimized ageing.
The final thought
Apart from products, the antiaging research also says that hydration and sleep is essential for a sound body. Exercise and physical activities are great ways to look younger than usual. People back in time were into both workouts and anti-ageing treatments. Only then, were the effects remarkable visible. It is not far when these treatments will be taken over by other procedures.
Welltopia’s Youth-BackTM emulsion:
We at Welltopiahas created Youth-BackTMemulsion consisting various pharmaceutical and natural substances including, vitamin C and B and H. Youth-BackTM acts as following:
- Enhances Collagen production, thus improving elasticity of skin
- Reducing sebum production, thus controlling acne
- Fighting bacteria at skin, thus reducing acne
- Increases cell turnover, thus causing exfoliation smoothly without need of chemical peeling
Thank you for reading this.
Dr. Sandeep Gupta
Director, Welltopia
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