

We are introducing our Anti-obesity Programme (AOP) which is designed to reduce your body fat and optimize the weight for your height.

Before we speak further on this, let us see what happens as we gain weight:
  • It leads to increased insulin resistance, thus, Diabetes
  • It leads to increased triglycerides, increased cholestero
  • It leads to increased visceral fat, accelerating atherosclerosis
  • It decreases Adinopectin and Testosterone (good hormones)
  • It increases Leptin (a hormone causing more inflammation)

Why do you need to care about Obesity?


  • First and foremost – if you are a man then, it’s most pressing issue as adipose tissue convert Testosterone (male hormone) into Estrogen (female hormone)
  • Adipose tissues secrete Cytokines leading to systemic inflammation (bad for health)
  • Excess fat causes insulin resistance leading to diabetes, furthermore, excess visceral fat is associated with increased fat deposition in our arteries leading to hypertension and Heart Disease
  • Obesity weakens immunity and makes one vulnerable to various diseases including Covid

What Obesity does to your body? What Anti-Obesity Program does?
It leads to increased triglycerides, increased cholesterol Reduces triglyceride and cholesterol
It leads to increased visceral fat, accelerating atherosclerosis Decreases visceral fat
It decreases Adinopectin and Testosterone (good hormones) Increases Adinopectin and Testosterone
It increases Leptin (a hormone causing more inflammation) Decreases Leptin, thus, reducing inflammation

Q1: Components of Welltopia’s Anti-Obesity Program:

A: Digital Tools: FDA App
B: Continual touch with doctors to keep on track with your Programme
C: Personalized diet plans: according to your weight, height, gender, body fat
D: Exercise Plan
E: Medicines – as a support to other modalities

Q2:How are we different and better than the rest?

A: Our motto is – “It’s not about losing weight; it’s about gaining health”
B: Smooth reduction of weight thus avoiding any side effect – only 2-3% of weight per month
C: Diagnosing the root cause of obesity
C: Catch and treat any coexisting disease such as Diabetes, hypertension, preventing any complication

Q3: Mode of Treatment

A: Online: you can login to our App and you get your treatment @ 999/- only;
B:Offline: at our clinic, physical examination is done; weight and height are checked and a treatment plan is formulated.

** In both the modes, regular follow ups are required with our doctors – such follow
ups are available both online and offline

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